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Service provider


in Gent

Building the future of automation in rail

We're OTIV, a crew of changemakers, driven by grit in the pursuit of excellence. Together we are improving safety and efficiency in the rail industry with cutting-edge assistance, remote-control and autonomous technology.

Why we need a modal shift
Transportation is a major emitter of CO2. In Europe alone it is responsible for 30% of EU's total carbon emissions. 1/3 of these emissions come from freight, which is expected to grow an additional 30% by 2030.

Being a heavy emitter isn't the only problem. Road transport is a major factor in traffic congestion and air pollution. Below we compare these metrics with rail, showcasing quickly why it should always be the de facto choice for long-distance transportation.

Towards autonomous rail
Assisted and autonomous solutions for rail are a key lever in facilitating the modal shift from road to rail. Providing drivers with more assistance, moving towards remote control and even fully autonomous rail operations. 

To develop, maintain and sell our products we need lots of talented people. Do you want to help shape the mobility of the future? Then take a look at our vacancies below and apply now!

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Nieuwewandeling 62
9000 Gent

Opening hours

Monday 08:00-17:00
Tuesday 08:00-17:00
Wednesday 08:00-17:00
Thursday 08:00-17:00
Friday 08:00-17:00