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Eternity Technologies

Starter battery DA 4V 08PZS 440Ah

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Starter battery DA 4V 08PZS 440Ah


Manufacturer: Eternity Technologies

Condition: New

Matching vehicle groups: Locomotive factory Luhansk BR 234

Battery for starting and supplying power to class 232/234 V locomotives (DB AG).
The battery block shown is part of a large starter battery consisting of 24 individual blocks
with low-antimony DIN EN cells 8 PzS-ET480 Ah in an acid-proof PE carrier, "min/max" plugs,
flexible connectors 70 mm² cable cross-section and special connectors for DB AG plug-in cable lugs.
Eternity Technologies Manufacturing (Germany) GmbH takes back used batteries free of charge and guarantees their environmentally friendly disposal.

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