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Einkaufen in GermanyConsumablesLubrincantsCICO Thinner K, highly effective thinner

CICO Thinner K, highly effective thinner

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Delivery 2-3 work days

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Thinner for the pastes CICO SM 1200 B, CICO SM 1600 B, CICO AS 14
effective from -45°C to +200°C
Physical state: liquid
PU = 1 container/5 kg

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TRiooo Innovation


Ziegelbreite 8, 84166 Adlkofen

Opening hours

Monday 08:00-17:00
Tuesday 08:00-17:00
Wednesday 08:00-17:00
Thursday 08:00-17:00
Friday 08:00-13:00
Betriebsurlaub von 21.12.2024 bis einschließlich 06.01.2025.

CICO Hochleistungsschmierstoffe
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